April 2, 2020 VMware has made available on download of vSphere 7.
Enthused to see the new features firsthand, I download ESXi and vCenter.
The first thing you notice and which was already mentioned in version 6.7 is that the vCenter is NOT available in the Windows environment anymore.
After the download, I start to install on my lab based on an Intel NUC i7 with 64 GB of RAM. In theory not supported, but in reality it works perfectly.
I create the first virtual machine to host ESXi in Nested mode by setting the Hardware Virtualization flag to understand if the installation has remained the same or something has changed.

I start to install and everything stays the same. So the setup hasn't changed.

At this point, I download the vCenter 7 ISO and start installing the vCenter.
During the setup, I don't see any particular changes. However, there are two interesting notes:
1) the possibility of converting the external PSC into Embedded PSC starting from a Windows or Linux vCenter has been integrated. In version 6.7 there was already the vCenter Server Convergence Tool that allowed you to do it from the command line.

2) Setup reports that the external PSC is no longer supported. Also this concept had already emerged in vSphere 6.7 but it is interesting that it is reported in the setup phase.

After the vCenter setup, I access the vCenter and notice that (as anticipated in various blogs on the internet) the Flash interface no longer exists and we find the HTML5 interface with a faster and more updated version similar to the one you see on the VMware portal when you log in.

That's all for now.
Good job.